Mathematical and Computational Models for Tumor Growth
Tipo de evento: Seminário de Avaliação - Série A
The development of predictlve computatlonalrnodels of tumor initiation, growth, and decline is faced with many formidable challenges. Phenomenological models which attempt to capture the complex interactions of multiple tissue and cellular species must cope with moving interfaces of heterogeneous media and the sprouting vascular structures due to angiogenesis and their evolution. They must be able to deliver predictions consistent with events that take place at cellular scales, and they must faithfully depict biological mechanisms and events that are known to be associated with various forms of cancer. In the present work, a ten-species vascular model for the tumor growth is presented which falls within the framework of phase-field (or diffuse-interface) models suggested by continuum mixture theory. This framework provides for the simultaneous treatment of interactions of multiple evolving species, such as tumor cells, necrotic cell cores, nutrients, and other cellular and tissue types that exist and interact in living tissue. We develop a hybrid model that couples the tumor growth with sprouting through angiogenesis. The model is able to represent the branching of new vessels through coupling a discrete model for which the angiogenesis is started upon pre-defined conditions on the nutrient deprivation in the continuum model, Such conditions are represented by hypoxic cells that release tumor grõwth factors that ultimately trigger vascular growth. We discuss the numerical approximation of the model using mixed finite elements. The results of numerical experiments are also presented and discussed.
Data Início: 07/01/2014 Hora: 10:00 Data Fim: 07/01/2014 Hora: 13:00
Local: LNCC - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Ciêntifica - Auditorio A
Aluno: Ernesto Augusto Bueno da Fonseca Lima - Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences -
Orientador: Regina Célia Cerqueira de Almeida - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - LNCC
Participante Banca Examinadora: Álvaro Coutinho - COPPE/UFRJ - COPPE/UFRJ Michel Iskin da Silveira Costa - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - LNCC Regina Célia Cerqueira de Almeida - Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica - LNCC